XAB Subscription 1

XAB Subscription 1


Become a subscriber and receive the full complement—save money, join our community, and help bring books into the world. The first X Artists' Books subscription includes The Artists’ PrisonHigh WindsThe Words of Others (Palabras ajenas), and (Zus).

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The Artists’ Prison, with text by Alexandra Grant and drawings by Eve Wood, imagines the art world in a Kafkaesque future state, where creativity can be a criminal offense and art making, a punishment. 

High Winds is an adults’ picture book for sleepless nights. Text by Sylvan Oswald and imagery by Jessica Fleischmann combine to chart a phantasmagorical road trip through kaleidoscopic Western landscapes and vivid emotional terrain.

The Words of Others (Palabras ajenas) is the first full English translation of Argentine artist León Ferrari’s literary masterpiece (1967), an uncompromising critique of military aggression in the context of the Vietnam War. The text is edited by Ruth Estévez, Miguel A. López, and Agustín Diez Fischer, and translated by Jen Hofer, Román Luján, and Tupac Cruz. 

(Zus), by French photographer Benoît Fougeirol, with an essay by Jean-Christophe Bailly, explores the harsh paradoxes of the marginalized suburban zones of Paris, reflecting on their stubborn vitality and their dereliction—and the failures of collective imagination that they represent.